State Propositions: A Snapshot of Voters - Los Angeles Times

State Propositions: A Snapshot of Voters

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Proposition 209, the initiative on affirmative action, had a huge gender gap: Most men voted for it and a majority of women opposed it. White voters were the only racial or ethnic group supporting 209. On Proposition 215, the marijuana medical use initiative, all age groups except the elderly were for it.


PROP. 209 (Affirmative Action)


% of All Voters Yes No ALL VOTERS 100% 54% 46% GENDER 47% Male 61% 39% 53% Female 48% 52% AGE 19% 18-29 50% 50% 35% 30-44 51% 49% 35% 45-64 58% 42% 11% 65 and Older 60% 40% RACE/ETHNICITY 74% White 63% 37% 7% Black 26% 74% 10% Latino 24% 76% 5% Asian 39% 61% EDUCATION 20% High School or Less 54% 46% 29% Some College 60% 40% 27% College or More 54% 46% 24% Postgraduate 48% 52% INCOME 12% Less Than $20,000 41% 59% 24% $20,000 to $39,999 48% 52% 23% $40,000 to $59,999 56% 44% 15% $60,000 to $74,999 65% 35% 26% $75,000 or more 59% 41% POLITICAL IDEALOGY 21% Liberal 27% 73% 47% Moderate 52% 48% 32% Conservative 77% 23% POLITICAL AFFILIATION 21% Democrats 31% 69% 14% Independents 59% 41% 38% Republicans 80% 20% RELIGION 49% Protestant 62% 38% 24% Catholic 54% 46% 6% Jewish 42% 58%



PROP. 211 (Securities Lawsuits)


% of All Voters Yes No ALL VOTERS 100% 26% 74% GENDER 47% Male 23% 77% 53% Female 24% 76% AGE 19% 18-29 26% 74% 35% 30-44 23% 77% 35% 45-64 23% 77% 11% 65 and Older 22% 78% RACE/ETHNICITY 74% White 22% 78% 7% Black 35% 65% 10% Latino 24% 76% 5% Asian 25% 75% EDUCATION 20% High School or Less 25% 75% 29% Some College 24% 76% 27% College or More 23% 77% 24% Postgraduate 21% 79% INCOME 12% Less Than $20,000 26% 74% 24% $20,000 to $39,999 25% 75% 23% $40,000 to $59,999 24% 76% 15% $60,000 to $74,999 21% 79% 26% $75,000 or more 20% 80% POLITICAL IDEALOGY 21% Liberal 30% 70% 47% Moderate 23% 77% 32% Conservative 18% 82% POLITICAL AFFILIATION 21% Democrats 25% 75% 14% Independents 25% 75% 38% Republicans 18% 82% RELIGION 49% Protestant 20% 80% 24% Catholic 23% 77% 6% Jewish 27% 73%




PROP. 215 (Medical Use of Marijuana)


% of All Voters Yes No ALL VOTERS 100% 56% 44% GENDER 47% Male 53% 47% 53% Female 58% 42% AGE 19% 18-29 62% 38% 35% 30-44 60% 40% 35% 45-64 53% 47% 11% 65 and Older 40% 60% RACE/ETHNICITY 74% White 56% 44% 7% Black 70% 30% 10% Latino 49% 51% 5% Asian 49% 51% EDUCATION 20% High School or Less 49% 51% 29% Some College 58% 42% 27% College or More 56% 44% 24% Postgraduate 58% 42% INCOME 12% Less Than $20,000 62% 38% 24% $20,000 to $39,999 56% 44% 23% $40,000 to $59,999 51% 49% 15% $60,000 to $74,999 54% 46% 26% $75,000 or more 59% 41% POLITICAL IDEALOGY 21% Liberal 78% 22% 47% Moderate 63% 37% 32% Conservative 29% 71% POLITICAL AFFILIATION 45% Democrats 70% 30% 14% Independents 65% 35% 38% Republicans 34% 66% RELIGION 49% Protestant 44% 56% 24% Catholic 54% 46% 6% Jewish 75% 25%



PROP. 216 (Health Care Regulation)


% of All Voters Yes No ALL VOTERS 100% 39% 61% GENDER 47% Male 36% 64% 53% Female 39% 61% AGE 19% 18-29 40% 60% 35% 30-44 38% 62% 35% 45-64 38% 62% 11% 65 and Older 29% 71% RACE/ETHNICITY 74% White 35% 65% 7% Black 47% 53% 10% Latino 42% 58% 5% Asian 45% 55% EDUCATION 20% High School or Less 41% 59% 29% Some College 35% 65% 27% College or More 37% 63% 24% Postgraduate 38% 62% INCOME 12% Less Than $20,000 44% 56% 24% $20,000 to $39,999 40% 60% 23% $40,000 to $59,999 40% 60% 15% $60,000 to $74,999 31% 69% 26% $75,000 or more 34% 66% POLITICAL IDEALOGY 21% Liberal 59% 41% 47% Moderate 38% 62% 32% Conservative 22% 78% POLITICAL AFFILIATION 45% Democrats 49% 51% 14% Independents 41% 59% 38% Republicans 21% 79% RELIGION 49% Protestant 30% 70% 24% Catholic 39% 61% 6% Jewish 47% 53%


Note: Percentages may not add up to 100% where some answer categories are not shown.

Source: Los Angeles Times exit poll conducted Nov. 5


HOW THE POLL WAS CONDUCTED: The Los Angeles Times Poll interviewed 5,723 voters who cast ballots in the general election Tuesday as they exited 100 polling places across the nation. Also interviewed were 2,473 Californians as they exited an additional 40 polling places across the state. Precincts were chosen based on the pattern of turnout in past general elections. The survey was a self-administered, confidential questionnaire. The margin of sampling error for all is plus or minus 3 percentage points. For some subgroups, the error margin may be somewhat higher.
