Shipshape Advice? - Los Angeles Times

Shipshape Advice?

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Regarding the article by Shirley Slater and Harry Basch (“Will the Classic Liners Survive?” July 7), they write:

“Ship owners . . . must decide whether to pour a substantial amount of money into bringing vintage vessels up to Safety of Life at Sea code requirements or let them retire from North American cruise service. . . . When a ship is retired by its owner . . . most often it is put up for sale or lease to a company that will operate it in Europe or Asia where SOLAS regulations do not apply.”

In my opinion, Slater and Basch missed the most important points for the cruising public. What do the new Safety of Life at Sea code regulations require? Are the safety features truly important? Which well-known ships operating outside of North American waters either don’t or won’t be upgraded for passenger safety?



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