Few Latinos Back Wilson Plan in Poll - Los Angeles Times

Few Latinos Back Wilson Plan in Poll

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A statewide survey of Latinos has found an overwhelming disapproval of Gov. Pete Wilson’s proposals to stem illegal immigration.

The survey, sponsored by Spanish-language Channel 52, La Opinion newspaper and the National Assn. of Latino Elected Officials, found 81% said they opposed Wilson’s plan to deny citizenship to U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants and to cut off health and education benefits to illegal immigrants. Thirteen percent said they supported the proposals.

In contrast to other recent polls, however, the survey did not ask whether Latinos believed that illegal immigration should be cut back. Other surveys have found that Latinos mirrored the concerns of other Americans that too many illegal immigrants are in the country.


Seventy percent of 500 Latino adult respondents said the debate over illegal immigration “is creating a climate that will facilitate discrimination and racism against the overall Latino community.”
