Official Won't Face Charges in Golf Case - Los Angeles Times

Official Won’t Face Charges in Golf Case

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State prosecutors have declined to file charges against Assistant Dist. Atty. Jan J. Nolan, saying she broke no laws under an arrangement that allows her son to play golf at a South County country club.

Sheriff’s deputies investigated Nolan, one of the highest-ranking officials in the district attorney’s office, in response to an allegation that her 27-year-old son was using the facilities at the Marbella Golf and Country Club in San Juan Capistrano for free.

Deputies, who began their inquiry in February after an anonymous caller made the charge, passed their findings to the state attorney general’s office in San Diego to determine if any charges would be filed.


“We are of the opinion that no crime has been committed by Assistant Dist. Atty. Nolan and are recommending to the Sheriff’s Department that the matter be closed accordingly,” said Gary W. Schons, senior assistant attorney general, in a May 26 letter to the Orange County district attorney’s office. He declined to comment further on the case Tuesday.

The state attorney general’s office reviewed the case instead of the Orange County district attorney’s office to avoid any conflict of interest, officials said.

Nolan, who declined comment Tuesday, said in an interview with The Times last month that she was surprised that the matter was being investigated criminally. She said that under an agreement she worked out before joining the club in 1991, her son’s golfing fees were covered by her membership.


She said then-General Manager Phillip Jacoby allowed her to extend golfing privileges to her son under arrangements usually reserved for spouses or family members under 21.

Nolan said during the interview that other club members knew her son was covered by the arrangement and that there were never any questions about it before. She said she does not know what might have prompted the anonymous call.

Nolan is the director of Superior Court services for the district attorney’s office. She oversees several units of the district attorney’s office, including narcotics, career criminals, major frauds and environmental and consumer protection.


Dist. Atty. Michael R. Capizzi said the case was reviewed internally and no administrative action will be taken against Nolan. He said he considers the matter closed.
