Debate Over Whaling Industry - Los Angeles Times

Debate Over Whaling Industry

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A letter (Dec. 31) by Elden Hughes of the Sierra Club accused U.S. Sen. Steve Symms and the BlueRibbon Coalition of advocating a “shoot, shovel and shut up” strategy of dealing with endangered species. Symms was the keynote speaker at our 1992 convention in Salt Lake City, and did not advocate that policy.

Symms said: “Because of abuses of the endangered species act by environmental extremists, some folks have been forced to consider a ‘Shoot, shovel, and shut up’ policy. This is counterproductive to protecting endangered wildlife. We need to promote a policy with incentives for protecting endangered wildlife. We need to promote a policy with incentives for protecting wildlife instead of inflexible laws with severe penalties for finding an endangered species on or near your property.”

For information on the BlueRibbon Coalition’s views on environmental issues, contact us at P.O. Box 5449, Pocatello, Ida., 83202.



Executive Director, BlueRibbon Coalition

Pocatello, Ida.
