Debate Over Whaling Industry - Los Angeles Times

Debate Over Whaling Industry

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In response to “Sacrificing People to Save Whales,” Commentary, Jan. 4:

I had to read through three-quarters of Georg Blichfeldt’s article before I found any reference to the “sacrifice of people,” so prominently displayed in the headline. The “people” refers to one village “north of the Arctic Circle . . . using wood boats . . . family enterprises handed down from father to son.” If this is the problem, I say give them their one or two whales a year.

What Blichfeldt fails to mention is the multimillion-dollar whaling industry of Norway that uses multimillion-dollar whaling ships, which are floating factories, capable of killing thousands of whales each year, all over the globe, to satisfy a needless protein and chemical industry.

It sounds like the “Save the Whale” movement along with the Humane Society and Earth Island Institute’s consumer boycotts of Norwegian goods and travel services are working. Keep up the good work!



