Stand Showed Courage - Los Angeles Times

Stand Showed Courage

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I’m filled with admiration for Rod Tompkins, the savings and loan officer who wrote Judge John Rhoades asking justice for Daniel Dierdorff (“S&L; Official Pleads Against Lenient Dierdorff Sentence,” Jan. 7).

I agree 100% with Tompkins. I think there have been far too many judicial wrist slaps for business executives who’ve broken laws, in contrast with tough sentences often given to such people as Tompkins’ teller who have not enjoyed exalted status.

Aside from the merit of Tompkins’ views, I applaud his courage in making them known. I don’t think it takes any great courage to write pleas for leniency or character references--unless the subject is Charles Manson. But it does take courage to ask the opposite for somebody who has been prominent, and who actually has been in the same field as the writer, particularly when what’s written may be publicized.


I imagine Tompkins will be harshly criticized--perhaps ostracized--by some of his associates. I’m sure, however, there are many who feel as I do, that he did what was right, and are glad he had the courage to do it.


El Cajon
